Karolina Karpińska, PhD

09.02.2022 | 12.01.2024

Assistant Professor

History of Exact Sciences Research Unit

Room: A02

Phone: +48 22 65 72 836

Office hours: Mondays, Thursdays, 10am–12pm

E-mail: karolinakarpinska001@gmail.com


ORCID: 0000-0002-1477-6622

Academic interests

  • History of mathematics education, with particular attention paid to the Polish territories during the Partition period (1795–1918)
  • History of mathematics


  • 2016 PhD in the Humanities (in the History of Mathematics) at the Institute for the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • 2008–2014 PhD studies in Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
  • 2008 MA at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (specialisation: teaching mathematics and computer science)


  • 2017 – Assistant Professor at the Institute for the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Membership in scientific councils and editorial boards of journals and publishing series

  • 2019 – book review editor in the journal “Analecta: Studies and Materials for the History of Science”

Selected publications

Editorial work

  • Duda, Historia matematyki w Polsce na tle dziejów nauki i kultury [The history of mathematics in Poland against the background of the history of science and culture], Warszawa 2019.

Chapters in edited volumes

  • Gnomonics in Secondary School Education in the Territories of Poland in the 17th–20th Centuries, [in:] Advances In The History Of Mathematics Education, ed. Alexander Karp, Springer 2022, pp. 131–170.
  • Scientific novelties implemented into teaching mathematics in secondary schools on the Polish territories in the 19th The case of descriptive geometry, [in:] ‘Dig where you stand’ 6 – Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, eds. É. Barbin, K. Bjarnadóttir, F. Furinghetti, A. Karp, G. Moussard, J. Prytz, G. Schubring, WTM-Verlag Münster 2020, pp. 205–218.
  • Mathematics teaching in gymnasia and real schools in Poland in the years 1795–1918: Schools with Polish and German as the language of instruction – comparison, [in:] Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in mathematics Education (ESU-8) (Skriftserie 2019, no. 11), eds. É. Barbin, U. T. Jankvist, T. H. Kjeldsen, B. Smestad, C. Tzanakis, Oslo (Oslo Metropolitan University) 2019, pp. 727–758.
  • O przenikaniu nowych teorii do kształcenia szkolnego w toruńskiej Szkole Realnej w XIX wieku [On the implementation of new theories into school education at the Real School in Toruń in the 19th century], [in:] mezinárodní konference Historie matematiky, Velké Meziříčí, 22. 8. až 26. 8. 2014, eds. J. Bečvář, M. Bečvářová, Praha 2014, pp. 183–188.
  • Nauczanie matematyki w szkołach średnich Torunia w XIX w. [Mathematics teaching in secondary schools in Toruń in the 19th], [in:] 34. mezinárodní konference Historie matematiky, Poděbrady, 23. 8. až 27. 8. 2013, eds. J. Bečvář, M. Bečvářová, Praha 2013, pp. 107–122.
  • Karpińska, B. Klemp-Dyczek, Matura z matematyki w Gimnazjum w Toruniu w II połowie XIX w. [Matura examinations in mathematics in the Gymnasium in Toruń in the second half of the 19th c.], [in:] Nauka – Etyka – Wiara 2013, Nauka – możliwości i ograniczenia, Konferencja CHFPN 30 maja – 2 czerwca 2013, Warszawa 2013, pp. 181–191.


  • ‘Denominate numbers’ in mathematics school textbooks by Stefan Banach, “Historia Mathematica” 59(2022), pp. 164–196. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hm.2021.01.001.
  • Karpińska, B. Klemp-Dyczek, Geometria kół Otta Reichela jako przykład pracy z uczniem zdolnym na lekcjach matematyki w II połowie XIX wieku [The Otto Reichel’s geometry of circles as an example of work with a gifted student in mathematics lessons in the second half of the 19th century], “Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia” 12(2020), pp. 173–196. DOI:10.24917/20809751.12.8.
  • Podręczniki do matematyki Stefana Banacha w kontekście doświadczeń szkolnych autora [Mathematics textbooks by Stefan Banach in the context of his own school experiences], “Analecta: Studies and Materials for the History of Science” 28(2019), no. 1, pp. 71–138.
  • K. Karpińska, S. Domoradzki, O egzaminie maturalnym z matematyki na obszarze zaboru pruskiego od XVIII do początku XX wieku [On Matura examinations in mathematics in the Prussian Partition of Poland from the 18th to the early 20th century], “Antiquitates Mathematicae” 11(2017), pp. 157–201. DOI: 10.14708/am.v11i0.5649.
  • Teaching thinking in terms of functions – fulfilling the fundamental idea of Merano Programme in the Torun Classic Gymnasium in early twentieth century, “Technical Transactions / Czasopismo Techniczne” 2-NP (2015), pp. 173–190.
  • Troska o naukowy wymiar nauczania matematyki w Szkole Realnej w Toruniu w II połowie XIX wieku [Concern for the scientific dimension of mathematics teaching at the Real School in Toruń in the second half of the 19th century], “Antiquitates Mathematicae” 8(2014), pp. 75–140. DOI: 10.14708/am.v8i1.602.
  • O nauczaniu geometrii w Gimnazjum Toruńskim w II połowie XIX wieku [On teaching geometry in the Gymnasium in Toruń in the second half of the 19th century], “Dissertations for the History of Education” L(2013), pp. 113–148.

Popularisation of science (selected)

  • Matematyka Kopernika na tle osiągnięć naukowych jego czasów [Copernicus’ mathematics against the background of the scientific achievements of his time], paper delivered on the occasion of the 548th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus, Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, 20–25.02.2021.
  • Aparat matematyczny przewrotu kopernikańskiego [The mathematical apparatus of the Copernican revolution], during the conference: Kopernik na Ziemi Lubawskiej, Lubawa–Warszawa–Truszczyny, 28–29.05. 2020.
  • Geometria Mikołaja Kopernika: o cięciwach w kole [Nicolaus Copernicus’ geometry: about chords in a circle], “Matematyka – czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 6(2018), pp. 40–49.
  • Wpływ odzyskania niepodległości przez Polskę na nauczanie matematyki w szkołach średnich [The impact of Poland regaining independence on the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools], “Matematyka – czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 5(2018), pp. 43–48.
  • Pierwsze egzaminy maturalne z matematyki na ziemiach polskich (1789–1805) [The first Matura examinations in mathematics on the Polish territories (1789–1805)], “Matematyka – czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 4(2018), pp. 42–49.
  • O sposobie oceniania z matematyki. Gimnazjum w Inowrocławiu na przełomie XIX i XX wieku [On the grading system in mathematics. Gymnasium in Inowrocław at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries], “Matematyka – czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 3(2018), pp. 34–39.
  • Trygonometria płaska w gimnazjalnym nauczaniu matematyki w XIX wieku (cz. ) [Plane trigonometry in mathematics education in Gymnasia in the 19th century (part II.)], “Matematyka – czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 2(2018), pp. 40–49.
  • Trygonometria płaska w gimnazjalnym nauczaniu matematyki w XIX wieku (cz. ) [Plane trigonometry in mathematics education in Gymnasia in the 19th century (part I.)], “Matematyka – czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 1(2018), pp. 41–49.
  • Planimetria w gimnazjalnym nauczaniu matematyki w XIX i na początku XX wieku, cz. II. Konstrukcje trójkątów [Planimetry in mathematics education in Gymnasia in the 19th and early 20th centuries, part II. Triangle construction], “Matematyka. Czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 6(2017), pp. 40–47.
  • Planimetria w gimnazjalnym nauczaniu matematyki w XIX i na początku XX wieku, cz. Analiza części planimetrycznej podręcznika „Die Elementar Mathematik” L. Kambly’ego [Planimetry in mathematics education in Gymnasia in the 19th and early 20th centuries, part I. Analysis of the planimetric part of the textbook ‘Die Elementar Mathematik’ by L. Kambly], “Matematyka. Czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 5(2017), pp. 37–42.
  • Szkoły typu realnego na ziemiach polskich zaboru pruskiego: rodzaje i charakterystyka szkół oraz procedury przeprowadzania matur [Schools of the real type in the Polish lands of the Prussian Partition: types and characteristics of schools and procedures for conducting Matura examinations], “Matematyka. Czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 4(2017), pp. 38–44.
  • Przyrządy miernicze i ich wykorzystanie w nauczaniu szkolnym matematyki od XVII do końca XIX wieku, cz. II. Zadania z miernictwa [Measuring instruments and their use in school mathematics teaching from the 17th to the end of the 19th century, part II. Measuring tasks], “Matematyka. Czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 3(2017), pp. 38–44.
  • Przyrządy miernicze i ich wykorzystanie w nauczaniu szkolnym matematyki od XVII do końca XIX wieku, cz. I. Opis przyrządów mierniczych [Measuring instruments and their use in school mathematics teaching from the 17th to the end of the 19th century, part I. Description of measuring instruments], “Matematyka. Czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 2(2017), pp. 37–45.
  • Matury z matematyki w gimnazjach klasycznych zaboru pruskiego [Matura examinations in mathematics in classic Gymnasia in the Prussian Partition], “Matematyka. Czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 1(2017), pp. 35–45.
  • Matematyka w toruńskich szkołach ponadelementarnych w latach 1793–1920 (cz. 2) [Mathematics in secondary schools in Toruń in the years 1793–1920 (part 2)], “Matematyka. Czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 6(2016), pp. 51–56.
  • Matematyka w toruńskich szkołach ponadelementarnych w latach 1793–1920 (cz. 1) [Mathematics in secondary schools in Toruń in the years 1793–1920 (part 1)], “Matematyka. Czasopismo dla nauczycieli” 5(2016), pp. 42–53.


Participation in research projects

  • Coordinator of grant no. KONF/SP/0204/2023/01 entitled “Organization of the 8th International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education”, awarded by the Minister of Education and Science as part of the “Excellent Science II” Programme (Poland). The conference will be held on September 16–20, 2024 in Warsaw.
  • Coordinator of grant no. NPRH/U21/SP/507538/2021/11 “Translation into English and publication in print and electronic version of Roman Duda’s monograph entitled Historia matematyki w Polsce na tle dziejów nauki i kultury (Warszawa 2019)”, awarded by the Minister of Education and Science as part of the “National Program for the Development of the Humanities” Programme (Poland).
  • Participation in in the implementation of grant no. 0333/NPRH7/H11/86/2018 entitled “Biographical Dictionaries of Polish Scientists”, awarded by the Minister of Education and Science; preparation of biographical notes for the Biographical Dictionary of Mathematicians, ed. Roman Duda.

Conference papers (selected)

  • Mikołaj Kopernik jako matematyk. Aparat matematyczny De revolutionibus ze współczesnego punktu widzenia [Nicolaus Copernicus as a mathematician. The mathematical apparatus of De revolutionibus from a contemporary point of view], during the conference: Urodziny a życie aktywne. Jak Olsztyn i Toruń o Kopernika się spierają…, Olsztyn, 28.09.2023.
  • Gnomonics in Mathematics Secondary School Education on the Territories of Poland in the 17th–20th century, during the conference: 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Shanghai (China), 11–18.07.2021.
  • Scientific novelties implemented into teaching mathematics in secondary schools on the territory of Poland in the 19th century, during the conference: 6th International Conference on the History of Mathematical Education, Marseille (France), 16–20.09.2019.
  • Mathematics teaching in gymnasiums and real schools in Poland in the years 1795–1918. Schools with Polish and German as the language of instruction – comparison, during the conference: 8th European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, Oslo (Norway), 20–16.07.2018.
  • O nauczaniu matematyki w szkołach z polskim i niemieckim językiem wykładowym w czasach zaborów – porównanie [Mathematics teaching in schools with Polish and German as the language of instruction during the partitions – comparison], during the conference: XXXII Konferencja z Historii Matematyki, Będlewo, 23–26.04.2018.
  • Program Merański z matematyki w Toruniu w latach 1905–1911 [Merano Programme in mathematics in Toruń in the years 1905–1911], during the conference: XXXI Konferencja z Historii Matematyki, Będlewo, 22–26.05.2017.
  • Karl Weierstrass jako nauczyciel w drodze do kariery akademickiej [Karl Weierstrass as a teacher on the way to an academic career], during the conference: XXXI Konferencja z Historii Matematyki, Będlewo, 22–26.05.2017.
  • Zmiany zakresów nauczania matematyki w gimnazjach w Toruniu, Gdańsku, Kołobrzegu, Inowrocławiu, Chełmnie i Braniewie od XVI do początku XX wieku [Changes in the scope of mathematics material in Gymnasia in Toruń, Gdańsk, Kołobrzeg, Inowrocław, Chełmno and Braniewo from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century], during the conference: III Konferencja Matematyczno-Informatyczna Congressio–Mathematica’, Rzeszów, 27–29.09.2017.
  • The role of Matura examination in Mathematics and its influence on the development of mathematical culture in the territory of Poland under Prussian partition and in the first years after regaining independence, during the conference: Development of mathematics and related sciences in Central-Eastern Europe in the 20th century, Kraków, 13–15.09.2017 (paper presented together with S. Domoradzki).
  • Otto Reichel’s construction tasks as an example of work with gifted gymnasial students in the Torun Gymnasium in the 19th century, during the conference: Development of mathematics and related sciences in Central-Eastern Europe in the 20th century, Kraków, 13–15.09.2017 (paper presented together with B. Klemp-Dyczek).
  • Matematyka „szkół uczonych” na ziemiach polskich w XVI–XIX w. Wnioski dla współczesnej praktyki edukacyjnej [Mathematics in ‘scientific schools’ on the Polish territories in the 16th –19th Conclusions for contemporary educational practice], during the conference: Multidyscyplinarne Badania nad Przeszłością, cz. II. Podążać śladami poprzedników?, Warszawa, IAE PAS, 21.11.2017.
  • Geometria kół Otta Reichela – praca z uczniem zdolnym na lekcjach matematyki w Gimnazjum Toruńskim w II połowie XIX wieku [Otto Reichel’s geometry of circles – working with a gifted student during mathematics lessons at the Toruń Gymnasium in the second half of the 19th century], during the conference: X Północne Spotkania Geometryczne, Olsztyn, 29–30.06.2016.
  • Teaching thinking in terms of functions – fulfilling the fundamental idea of Merano Programme in the Torun Classic Gymnasium in early twentieth century, during the conference: Exact sciences and mathematics in Central-Eastern Europe from the mid-XIX century till WW II, Kraków, 11–13.06.2015.
  • O przenikaniu nowych teorii do kształcenia szkolnego w toruńskiej Szkole Realnej w XIX wieku [On the implementation of new theories into school education at the Real School in Toruń in the 19th century], during the conference: mezinárodní konference Historie matematiky, Velké Meziříčí (Czech Republic), 22–26.08.2014.
  • O nauczaniu geometrii w Gimnazjum Toruńskim w II połowie XIX wieku [On teaching geometry at the Toruń Gymnasium in the second half of the 19th century], during the conference: Recepcja Nauk Ścisłych w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w okresie 1850–1920, Kraków, 20–22.09.2013.
  • Nauczanie matematyki w szkołach średnich Torunia w XIX w. [Mathematics teaching in secondary schools in Toruń in the 19th], during the conference: 34. mezinárodní konferenci Historie matematiky w Poděbradech, Poděbrady (Czech Republic), 23–27.08.2013.
  • Matura z matematyki w Gimnazjum w Toruniu w II połowie XIX w. [Matura examinations in mathematics in the Gymnasium in Toruń in the second half of the 19th], during the conference: Konferencja CHFPN Nauka – Etyka – Wiara 2013, Rydzyna, 30.05–02.06.2013 (paper presented together with B. Klemp-Dyczek).

Teaching experience

  • Nauczanie matematyki na ziemiach polskich – szkolnictwo średnie [Teaching mathematics in Poland – secondary education], lecture for doctoral students, Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, 09.2020–01.2021.

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