„Medycyna Nowożytna” T. 21, 2015, fasc. 1
13.01.2016 | 12.02.2022
Maria Joanna Turos
Vocational training of medical staff of the Polish army in the years 1815 – 1830 under „Przepisów służby zdrowia wyiętych z ogólnego urządzenia administracyi i rachuby wewnętrzney dla woyska polskiego wszelkiey broni zatwierdzonego przez Komitet Woyskowy”
The text is a representation and a reminder of the document based on which develops military health service in times of the Congress Kingdom. Presented here is one of the most important issues, namely the number of staff as well as its profile, as well as vocational training, particularly taking into account the place and role of middle which were medics.
Ryszard W. Gryglewski
Stanslaw Trzebiński as historian of medicine
Stanislaw Trzebiński was one of those who contributed to the of modern history and philosophy of medicine on Polish soil. This scholar and humanist, accepting a professorship at Stefan Batory University in Vilnius wanted to see this entrusted to his care subjects as an important basis of modern medical science lecture. He understood the role of history in the traditional manner, as the guardian of tradition, which acts as a servant to other sciences. Evaluation and critical work on the archival sources was acknowledged as one of the main tasks of researcher. For Trzebiński analysis from the perspective of medical science and in light historical approach provides a unique opportunity to penetrate the mentality of the past generations, their ideas about health and disease, as well as the former state of medical knowledge. He recognized diaries as one of most important sources for historical study and therefore this topic was constantly in the center of his attention. He was the very first which is responsible for the systematic investigation of the Medical Society of the Vilnius archives. Trzebiński was well recognized as an researcher aiming for full edition of the diaries of Joseph Frank.
Katarzyna Kuras
The Autopsies of Monarchs’ Bodies in Erly Modern Europe
The aim of the paper is to briefly characterize the autopsy ceremonies of the monarchs’ bodies in early modern Europe. Comparative analysis is based on examples from different parts of Europe (including the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) and shows the importance of the procedure of autopsy in the strictly defined funeral ceremony. The comparison of the places and times of carrying out the autopsies in various European countries, their courses, as well as the composition of medical and non-medical staff participating in them allow to conclude that this part of funeral ceremony was closely related to the royal propaganda and the tendencies to either show the king in the full majesty or to exploit the circumstances of his death for the sake of current political struggle (e.g. to create the white or black myth of royal reign). The ritualization of autopsies in early modern Europe was the key to treat both real and mystical bodies of the king appropriately and to pay a sort of homage to the death monarch.
Igor J. Robak, Tadeusz Srogosz
Polish track in the history of Faculty of Medicine at Imperial University in Kharkov : Doctor Wladyslaw Frankowski.
Sociomedical activity of Wladyslaw Frankowski, his commitment and attitude towards the poor and unfortunate places him very high in the hierarchy of the XIXth-century characters; even in the context of a common European tendency to medicalisation and charity as well as organization of medical communities. Although he was not a professor of Imperial University in Kharkov – but only a humble students’ doctor without impressive scientific achievements – he enjoyed great respect among the brainpower, clinical personnel and students. Because of these reasons Wladyslaw Frankowski even contemporarily is associated with university tradition.
Barbara Ogłódek
Pharmaceutical contents in the „Gazeta lekarska”, later „Polska Gazeta Lekarska” in the years 1920 – 1939 as an example of the state of knowledge and interesting of medical literature.
In Poland in the interwar period a wide variety of medical and pharmaceutical journals were published: “Lekarz Wojskowy”, “Pediatria Polska”, “Polski Przegląd Radiologiczny”, “Gastrologia Polska”, “Farmacja Współczesna”, “Roczniki Farmacji” and “Gazeta Lekarska”. The last one after connecting with “Polskie Czasopismo Lekarskie” was published from 1922 with new title “Polska Gazeta Lekarska”. It was a weekly magazine which was devoted for many medical skills. Authors of articles were mainly doctors so a lot of articles were connected with medical issues but we could found also pharmaceutical contents in them. There were informations about drugs which influenced on human systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, haemolymphopoietic, alimentary, nervous, endocrynology, urogenital, osteo-articular. Many articles was devoted for endocrynology so we can conclude that this part of medicine was intensively developed in that period. The most imported fact was discovering of insuline and understanding its properties. Pharmaceutical contents were also included in advertisements.