Rozprawy z Dziejów Oświaty, tom 55 (2018)
08.02.2022 | 08.02.2022
Kalina Bartnicka, Katarzyna Dormus, The Commission of National Education and its transformation in the years 1773—1794, s. 9–60
Andrzej Meissner, Agnieszka Wałęga, The Commission of National Education’s teachers and associates: An outline of a collective portrait on the basis of the biographical dictionary, s. 61–76
Jan Ryś, Kraków Academy: The Crown’s Main School in the years 1773—1795, s. 77–107
Janina Kamińska, The Vilnius University in the days of the Commission of National Education (1773—1794), s. 109–124
Dorota Żołądź-Strzelczyk, Michał Nowicki, Krzysztof Ratajczak, Justyna Gulczyńska, The Commission of National Education (1773—1794): Schools in the Greater Poland Department, s. 125–141
Andrzej Meissner, Marzena Pękowska, Ryszard Ślęczka, Lesser Poland Department in the Commission of National Education’s school system (1773—1794), s. 143–169
Adam Massalski, Ewa Kula, Education system in the Commonwealth’s far south-eastern Kresy borderlands in the days of the Commission of National Education (1773—1795), s. 171–193
Kazimierz Puchowski, The Piarists and the Piarist Department of the Commission of National Education: Origins, contexts, interpretations, s. 195–216
Katarzyna Buczek, Schools of the Commission of National Education in the Samogitian Department, s. 217–230
Janina Kamińska, Schools of the Commission of National Education’s Lithuanian Department (1773—1794), s. 231–255
Wiesław Jamrożek, Jolanta Szablicka-Żak, The education system of the Commission of National Education’s Navahrudak Department in the years 1773—1794, s. 257–268
Stefania Walasek, Schools of the Commission of National Education’s Polesian Department (1773—1794), s. 269–292
Michał Nowicki, Krzysztof Ratajczak, Bibliography of the Commission of National Education: Editions of bibliographies published to date and the current state of research, s. 293–307