Seminarium z historii nauk przyrodniczych i ścisłych – semestr zimowy 2022/2023

07.03.2023 | 14.04.2023

Semestr zimowy 2022/2023

Środa, godz. 14.00, online

19 X 2022

Dr. Maciej Jasiński, L. & A. Birkenmajer Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

The role of astronomical instruments in Stanisław Lubieniecki’s correspondence with Johannes Hevelius and other scholars. Pretexts, praises, and complaints

16 XI 2022

Dr. Katarzyna Borkowska, L. & A. Birkenmajer Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

Women of the 17th Century Science: The Case of Maria Cunitia and Elisabeth Hevelius

21 XII 2022

Dr. Barbara Bienias, L. & A. Birkenmajer Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

Mapping mathematical practice in early modern London – sources, contexts, and digital tools

18 I 2023

Dr. Oskar J. Rojewski, University of Silesia in Katowice – University Rey Juan Carlos

North-south cultural dialogue in Early Modern Europe: The case of the court painter Michel Sittow (c. 1468–1525)


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