Katarzyna Borkowska, PhD

15.05.2020 | 17.09.2023

Assistant Professor

History of Exact Sciences Research Unit

Room: A02

Phone: +48 22 65 72 836

Office hours: last Friday of the month, 9am–5pm

E-mail: kborkowska@ihnpan.pl

ORCID: 0000-0002-3963-1569


Academic interests

  • History of science
  • Links between arts and sciences
  • Ancient philosophy
  • Evolution of ideas

Education, academic degrees and titles

  • 2022 – PhD, Institute of Classical Philology, University of Warsaw
  • 2014 – MA at the Institute of Classical and Slavic Studies, University of Gdańsk


  • since 2022 – Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences – Assistant Professor
  • 2019–2022 Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences – Research Assistant

International experience

  • 2019 – Vandœuvres – research scholarship for young researchers at the Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique
  • 2019 – Vandœuvres – one-month research stay at the Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique
  • 2018 – Vandœuvres – one-week research stay at the Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique

Participation in national and international research projects

  • “Dzieła Grzegorza z Nyssy”. MNiSW Grant, National Programme for the Development of Humanities,  Uniwersalia 2.2 – konkurs 11 (NPRH/U22/SN/507048/2021/11), member of the research team: translation and commentary on source texts as defined by the principal investigator, dr hab. Marta Przyszykowska, PhD, DSc
  • “Nie przeocz tego, co na peryferiach: Maria Cunitia i Elias von Löwen a astronomia XVII stulecia”. NCN OPUS-18, member of the research team: work on the source materials as defined by the principal investigator, Prof. Jarosław Włodarczyk.

Membership in scientific councils and editorial boards of journals and publishing series

  • Komitet Historii Nauki i Techniki, Editorial Assistant, since 1st January 2020.
  • “Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki”, Editorial Assistant, since 1st January 2020

Membership in scientific societies and organizations

  • Polskie Towarzystwo Filologiczne, delegat member, since 1st October 2021.

Selected publications

Chapters in edited volumes

  • Translatio, Imitatio, Aemulatio – assimilation of Greek thought in Cicero’s philosophical writings. [w:] Foreign Influences. The Circulation of Knowledge in Antiquity, red. B. Castelnérac, L. Gili, L. Monteils-Laeng, Brepols, Turnhout 2022, ISBN 978-2-503-59895-6 (PB)).
  • Cicero and Male Virtue, [w:] Manifestations of Male Image in the World’s Cultures, red. R. Iwicka, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2021, s. 31–45, ISBN: 978-83-233-5043-9.


  • Wiersze dedykacyjne w dziełach Urania Propitia (1650) i Selenographia (1647) – analiza porównawcza, „Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki” t. 30, 2021, z. 2, s. 157–195.
  • Filozofia starożytna a medycyna średniowieczna. Refleksje na marginesie książki Beaty Wojciechowskiej „Flebotomia i purgowanie, czyli o leczeniu w wiekach średnich”, „Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną” t. 27, 2021.
  • Historia medycyny na pograniczu dziedzin. Rozważania na marginesie książki „Medicina, antiqua mediaevalis et moderna. Historia – filozofia – religia”, red. S. Konarska-Zimnicka, L. Kostuch i B. Wojciechowska, Kielce 2019, „Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki” 2020, 4, s. 135–143. DOI: 10.4467/0023589XKHNT.20.032.12865.
  • The unique meaning of Plato’s ἀρετή, [w:] Studies in Greek philosophy: Ethics, politics and the origins of philosophy on Rhodes, red. Konstantine Boudouris, Maria Veneti, Ionia Publications, Ateny 2018, s. 74–78.



  • 2021 – Lubawa – International Conference Kopernik na Ziemi Lubawskiej (paper title: Hypatia z Aleksandrii); conference organised by the Nicolaus Copernicus Fondation, Institute for the History of Science, Lubawa City Council.
  • 021 – Poznań – CIX General Assembly of the Polish Philological Society Gatunki literatury antycznej. Tradycja, recepcja i współczesna refleksja literaturoznawcza (paper title: Dialog platoński a dialog cyceroński); conference organised by the Polish Philological Society, AMU Institute of Classical Philology.
  • 2020 – Lubawa – International Conference Kopernik na Ziemi Lubawskiej (paper title: Lekarz potrzebny od zaraz – studia medyczne i praktyka lekarska Mikołaja Kopernika); conference organised by the Nicolaus Copernicus Fondation, Institute for the History of Science, Lubawa City Council.
  • 2019 – Międzygórze – II Studenckie Spotkania Filozoficzne Powtórka (paper title: Wartość powrotów do źródeł: O tym, jak holistyczny ogląd rzeczywistości prezentowany przez greckich filozofów wpłynął na rozwój teorii fizyki kwantowej); conference organised by the Count August Cieszkowski Foundation and “Kronos” Quaterly.
  • 2018 – Montreal – Foreign influences: Philosophy and circulation of knowledge in antiquity (paper title: Translatio, imitatio, aemulatio: Assimilation of Greek thought in Cicero’s philosophical writings).
  • 2017 – Rhodes – 29th International Conference of Philosophy (paper title: The unique meaning of Plato’s ἀρετή); conference organised by the International Association for Greek Philosophy (IGAP).
  • 2016 – Kraków – II Philosophical Conference Od mniemań do wiedzy (?) organised by the Pedagocical University of Krakow, (Scio me nihil scire – czy poszukiwanie prawdy jest skazane na porażkę).

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