History of Education and Anthropology of Culture Research Unit


Main research activities

The Unit’s main area of research comprises the history of education at all levels, both on the Polish lands and abroad. The concept of education is understood broadly and takes into account not only the history of educational institutions, but also all of the factors affecting the intellectual, moral, physical, and artistic development of individuals and social groups.

The history of education is examined through its culture-creating aspect, with particular emphasis laid on the effects of education on the development of social groups in historical context. Academic interest in history and education is often merged with the studies on the history of science – it especially applies to research into the history of academic institutions often combining teaching with scientific research. Political, social, and economic factors that influenced the system of education along with social and cultural results of various educational undertakings are examined comparatively, both in the geographical and chronological sense.

Research topics

  • Joanna Schiller-Walicka – history of higher education in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century in the Kingdom of Poland and in Russia; the history of the development of the humanities at universities.
  • Kalina Bartnicka – innovative activities of the Commission of National Education and its schools, especially universities (Cracow and Vilnius).
  • Jan Piskurewicz – scientific and cultural relations between Poland and Italy in the interwar period.
  • Mikołaj Getka-Kenig – development of artistic and intellectual circles in the Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland, and the role of prominent figures in this development.
  • Michał Piekarski – musical education on the Polish lands in the 19th and 20th centuries; reception of Austrian models of musical education and the influence of German musicology on the development of this study area on the Polish lands.
  • Michał Siemiński – history of opposition in the Polish People’s Republic, history of Marxism and the labor movement.
  • Alicja Urbanik-Kopeć – social and cultural situation of private governesses in the Kingdom of Poland in the 19th century; the organization and scope of home-schooling in this period.
  • Monika Wiśniewska – the history of Polish schooling abroad, its organization, programs, and educators.
  • Daniel Sunderland – cultural aspects of the January Uprising; its influence on the intellectual life, literature, and schooling (interpretations in school books).

Research projects

  • Żałoba narodowa 1863 roku w perspektywie historii oświaty, 2018–2020, Principal Investigator: Daniel Sunderland (SHLP, MNiSW, NCBiR).
  • Order Reigns in Warsaw: International Reactions to the Outbreak and Collapse of the January Uprising in Poland, 2018–2020, Principal Investigator: Daniel Sunderland (DAAD (Ostpartnerschaften), OAW).
  • Archiwum Kobiet: Piszące, 2018–2023, Principal Investigator: Daniel Sunderland (NPRH).
  • Studenci muzykologii Uniwersytetu Wiedeńskiego pochodzący z ziem polskich (1900–1937), 2019–2020, Principal Investigator: Michał Piekarski (OAW).
  • Władze komunistyczne wobec Kościołów i związków wyznaniowych w Polsce 1944–1989, 2018–2020, Principal Investigator: Monika Wiśniewska (IPN).

Completed research projects

  • Komisji Edukacji Narodowej model szkoły i obywatela – koncepcje, doświadczenia, inspiracje, 2012–2018, Principal Investigator: Kalina Bartnicka (NPRH).
  • Architektura klasycyzmu na ziemiach polskich a polityczny dyskurs modernizacji 1764–1830, 2016–2019, Principal Investigator: Mikołaj Getka-Kenig (NCN Fuga).
  • Historia pojęć społeczno-politycznych w Polsce XVIII–XX w., 2016–2019, Principal Investigator: Mikołaj Getka-Kenig (NCN).
  • Anioł w domu, mrówka w fabryce. Alternatywne modele emencypacyjne dostępne dla robotnic fabrycznych Królestwa Polskiego w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX wieku, 2016–2019, Principal Investigator: Alicja Urbanik-Kopeć (NCN Preludium).
  • Pomniki polskiej myśli filozoficznej, teologicznej i społecznej XX i XXI wieku. Zapiski kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego „Pro memoria”, 2017–2019, Principal Investigator: Monika Wiśniewska (MNiSW).
  • Mikołaj Getka-Kenig – an MNiSW scholarship for young researchers, 2018–2021.


History of Education and Anthropology of Culture Research Unit, together with the History of Humanist and Social Thought Research Unit, holds a joint monthly seminar on the History of Education and Intellectual Movement

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