The Mathematical Logic in the History of Logic. Łukasiewicz’s Contribution and its Reception- dr Zuzana Rybaříková

21.03.2024 | 21.03.2024

25 marca 2024

dr Zuzana Rybaříková (Uniwersytet w Ostrawie)

The Mathematical Logic in the History of Logic. Łukasiewicz’s Contribution and its Reception


Jan Łukasiewicz introduced a new methodological approach to the history of logic. It consists of the use of modern formal logic in the research of the history of logic. Although not the first one to use formal logic in his historical
research, Łukasiewicz was the first who used it consistently and formulated it as a requirement for a historian of logic. The aim of my talk is to introduce this Łukasiewicz’s requirement and the history of its formulation. In addition, I will discuss the reception of the requirement in Polish philosophy and abroad. While in Poland, Łukasiewicz and his ollowers had to argue for the neutrality of formal logic, it was his findings, not the method itself, that
were frequently criticised abroad. There is also another dichotomy in
Łukasiewicz’s work on the history of logic. He focused on Stoic logic and
Aristotle’s syllogistic. While the acknowledgement of his contribution to the former part seems to disappear from the works on the history of logic, he is still acknowledged in the latter part. Thus, I will also present the current reception of Łukasiewicz’s work in my talk.

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